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About RC Boat Bitz
RC Boat Bitz (RCBB) is Australia’s leading remote-controlled boat parts retailer. We are based in Adelaide, South Australia. Our aim is to offer competitive prices and affordable shipping to all our customers worldwide. With well over 20 years of boat building experience we are happy to help with product inquiries and helping you to find the right products for your build.
In 2009 we pioneered aftermarket upgrades for the RTR boat market with the very first Traxxas Spartan upgrade, being the dual pickup rudder, then soon after the TFL Genesis rudder offset bracket. Since those humble beginnings we have greatly expanded our upgrade range catering for all Proboat, TFL and Traxxas Spartan and M41 models. All in different colours to add a more personal touch to your next build. Recent years has seen other companies attempting to duplicate our success in this area of this market, but none come close to the premium quality associated with the RCBB brand
About Joe
Sometime in the mid nineties I impulse bought my first rc boat, being a nitro powered multi hull that lead me into Zenoah powered race boats for the next few years. Then in 1998 I tried a brushless conversion on one of my nitro boats. Back then there was no-one to ask for help or advise from when it came to brushless boats. There were no cheap trips to the lake in those days, melting lipos, frying esc’s and even burning the odd boat down to the water line was all part of the steep learning curve. I persisted with it and eventually learnt how to make brushless boats go fast while holding together and spread that knowledge around the boating community.
After buying a few boat molds and building boats to sell on Ebay from scratch, I decided to try and save a few dollars by emailing a manufacturer about buying hardware direct. This was the early 2000’s and the first company I emailed just happened to be searching for a distributor in Australia. That (at the time) small company was TFL Hobby, which is now one of the largest in the industry. After Ebaying the excess parts from my first delivery virtually overnight, I placed a larger order, never intending it to be any more than a hobby self funded by selling custom boats. After 6 months I sold my ‘tradie’ business that I had started 8 years earlier and poured all that money into my new venture. After the business outgrew my backyard shed, I built a larger one to accommodate the growing stock demands, then the final straw came when stock started invading my pool room!
In 2009 I moved into a 120sqm retail store which increased sales but also required the need to employ staff. After 3 years the shop was no longer large enough, so I moved into a 200sqm warehouse and switched to selling online only. The extra space not being used for glass cabinets was very welcome until that space started getting tight. Later on in 2016 I moved into a 450sqm warehouse, then in 2018 leased an additional space next door solely for extra product that didn’t fit in the main warehouse!
It’s hard to believe my little ‘beer fund’ hobby on my home computer has grown to what it is now with multiple part time employees and warehouse leases.
These days I rarely ever get time to build boats let alone go boating, but the good thing about this sport is nothing stays the same and the day you stop learning is the day you die!